
Commonwealth Swim Club is run by volunteers. These dedicated volunteers make the time to plan, execute, and manage the needs of the pool, the grounds, and its members. There is no shortage of tasks to make this pool run so every hand is valued and appreciated. Our needs range from the high time and labor intensive roles of the board members to the low time commitment roles of occasionally weeding a flowerbed. We will put all of our volunteer opportunities right here for you to see if there is a fit for you. If you are new to the club, volunteering is a great way to meet people around the deck. If you are an established member, volunteering is a great way to ensure that your beloved pool will be here for many years to come. We are happy to sign off on any community service hours you or your kids may need to fulfill. Most recently, our volunteers have helped us with grounds clean up, fence painting, & tearing down the old shed to make way for the new. Check back here frequently to see what else we are working on and what is in your wheel house! In the meantime, you are always free to stop by and do yard work on the outside of the pool, no permission required!

Swim & Dive Parent Committee

The swim and dive teams need a committee of parents who can help out with various team tasks like organizing spirit nights, team breakfast/pics, end of year banquet, merchandise, etc. Email swimcudas@gmail.com and divecudas@gmail.com to let us know you want to be on the S&D Parent Committee.

Social Committee

Help our social director, PJ Worosz execute the social calendar he has planned. Let us know if we can call on you to help out with Bingo, Adult Night, Ladies Night, & End of School Party. Email PJ to get on his list of helpers.

Amazon Wishlist

Pick something out from our wishlist to help us with the upkeep of our property. Check out our Amazon Wishlist here.


Commonwealth is a big property and requires a lot of wo(and)man power. If you would like to help with our various landscaping projects, please contact Amy Cotton at amypcotton@gmail.com


See below the list of projects that need attention. Please get in touch with Kayt Shipley at kayt3379@gmail.com to let her know you intend to help!

Projects Completed

 New doors installed and painted

 Fence painted

 Old soap dispensers removed

 Baby pool shed repaired

 Bathroom mirrors replaced in women’s room

 New flooring in Men’s room

 Storage room door replaced

 New shelving added to storage room

 Swim shed shelves built

 Guard station cleaned out

 Various signs repainted

 New signage built

 Powerwashed…deck, bathrooms, path, stairs, and bridge 

Thank you to the numerous donations and volunteer time from members. It is incredible what a difference it has made! It truly has been a community effort.

Projects Remaining

 Paint fence behind diving boards

 Paint diving board bench

 Build new bench to replace bench under Record board

 Convert old diving board into a new bench

 Place new slats in front fence around electrical box

 Clear vines and branches behind fence line (Again!)

 Rebuild front welcome sign

 Repaint swim benches

 Power-washing – picnic table, bleachers, other areas

 Repair yellow umbrella

 Mulching (see Amy Cotton or Marc Ripanti)


There are a variety of other projects (small and large) on our ‘to-do’ list that involve painting, carpentry, electrical, and plumbing.  If you are willing to contribute any amount of time, contact Kayt Shipley to find a project that fits your availability and time commitment.  Your suggestions for projects are welcome with your commitment as well. 
