Cuda Critters
A learn to swim developmental program.
Cuda Critters is a learn-to-swim program designed to help our youngest swimmers become comfortable and confident in the water. Our Cuda swim team head coach developed a progressive curriculum that presents swimmers with incremental, achievable goals - like putting their face underneath the water - building toward the goal of swimming 25 meters unassisted and passing the pool’s swim test and/or joining the Cuda swim team.
Our experienced and encouraging coaches are all CPR certified and provide instruction and guidance on effective stroke technique. Swimmers are divided into small groups of 4-6 swimmers based on skill-level. They may earn rewards each week as they master skills to move to the next level. Critters, like our Cudas, will be able to track their weekly progress on our Critter Star Board. At the conclusion of the season, Critters will also have the opportunity to participate in our Lollipop meet to showcase all the skills they learned throughout the program. It’s a highlight every season!
Need flexibility? Sign-up for morning sessions by the week. Here all summer? Take advantage of the full-session discount when you sign up for all 5 weeks. Can’t do mornings? Unique to Commonwealth Swim Club, we offer an evening critter program as well. The evening session fills up fast so register early! Online pay is available to those that are signing up for the full 5 weeks.
Morning Group A: Mon – Fri 8:30am – 9:15am (25 slots)
Morning Group B: Mon – Fri 9:30am – 10:15am (25 slots)
June 17th – 20th (4 days) / $25
June 23rd – 27th (5 days) / $30
June 30th – July 3rd (4 days) / $25
July 7th – July 11th (5 days) / $30
July 14th – July 18th (5 days) / $30
Save $15 when you register for all 5 weeks - $125!
Evening: Tues – Fri 5:30pm – 6:15pm (20 slots)
June 17th – 20th (4 days)
June 24th – 27th (4 days)
July 1st – July 3rd (3 days)
July 8th – 9th, 11th (3 days)
July 15th – 18th (4 days)
$115 for all 5 weeks – no weekly options available
Note: June 24th, July 1st, and July 15th time change to 5-5:45pm due to home Dive Meet
All days are weather permitting and cancellations will posted on the Critter Google calendar.
Whatever option you choose, you must register through our google form linked above and pay either through our online option or by cash/check mailed to our PO Box.